The formulations of SwissGetal combine natural plant extracts and oils as well as different biotechnologically obtained cell extracts, such as stem cells from the lotus flower and fresh cells from the Fagus Sylvatica. SwissGetal is therefore a Swiss care line that, with its ingredients, cares for and rejuvenates the skin in depth and at the same time embodies a symbiosis of nature and science.

The white lotus flower, also known as the water lily, has been a symbol of purity and beauty for centuries with its radiant white petals. Every plant and the human body has stem cells, which are the basis of the body's own cell regeneration. These are located at the tip of the shoot and at the root tips.


The white lotus flower, also known as the water lily, has been a symbol of purity and beauty for centuries with its radiant white petals. Every plant and the human body has stem cells, which are the basis of the body's own cell regeneration. These are located at the tip of the shoot and at the root tips. These stem cells are removed from the lotus flower in a very complex and careful process. These are integrated into the SwissGetal products so that they can act on our human skin cells.


The lotus flower stem cell extract in the SwissGetal products acts mainly on the dermis and its components. On the one hand, it increases the activity of the cells by stimulating and building up the synthesis of collagen. It is also able to regenerate the stem cells of human skin, protect against negative environmental influences and counteract skin aging.


The plant stem cells of the lotus flower in the SwissGetal products can thus significantly extend the lifespan of the skin cells and thus preserve the youthfulness of the skin.

Written by Swiss Getal Usa Admin

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